Old Sedcopians just won the trophy 50000 visits 8 months
Old Sedcopians just won the trophy 10000 visits more than 4 years
Navratil Vincent has commented 1st Team more than 4 years
Old Sedcopians just won the trophy 5000 visits more than 4 years
Old Sedcopians just won the trophy 1000 visits more than 5 years
Pre-Season begins for 19/20 Season!!! more than 5 years
1s End of Season Title Celebration and 3 others more than 5 years
End of Season Awards 18/19 : new photos more than 5 years
End of Season Awards 18/19 and Old Sed Squad Photos 2018/2019 more than 5 years
Old Sed Squad Photos 2018/2019 : new photos more than 5 years
University of Greenwich, 3G pitch and Sparrows Lane Sports Centre: new photos more than 5 years
University of Greenwich, 3G pitch and Sparrows Lane Sports Centre more than 5 years
Norman MacDonald and 7 others more than 5 years
5th Team : new player more than 5 years
5th Team and 4 others more than 5 years